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  "We were born for a time such as this." Esther 4:14

About Sharon

A Cheerleader for God

Sharon Chancey Smith, an Award-Winning author, speaker, and coach, is continually in awe of how God uses her life story to be a voice for Christ by encouraging women who are hurting and in desperate need of hope and peace. God's Sovereign grace transformed Sharon's heart-breaking experiences into a powerful life transformation used to inspire women of all ages. Her motivational drive equips women to no longer fear the past but regain the courage to build or rebuild a solid foundation and create a healthy future of hope. 

When Sharon is not writing or coaching, she frequently speaks at Churches, Christian women’s clubs, prisons, retreats, Bible Institutions, colleges, private schools, and numerous women’s functions. She is also a life coach for those longing to be free of the lies the devil has implanted into their minds while equipping them to no longer be conformed to this world but be transformed by renewing their minds. It is a one-on-one life changing journey that will get them back on the right track.   

Whether you are looking for a life change, a dynamic speaker, a beautifully illustrated children’s book, The Special Little Sports Car, or soon to be released, Cheerleader for God, you are in the perfect place. God orchestrated you to be right here, in this exact spot, in His perfect timing. “All things work together for good.”         




My Story

At a young age, my parents divorced, and when my dad, without any notice, up and disappeared, I felt abandoned. I was left with a broken heart, feeling unloved, and with no self-worth or self-confidence. Life took me on a crazy journey to find the answer that would feel the emptiness, confusion and confliction. You know the song, "Looking for love in all the wrong places?" That was me, feeding on attention and love any way I could find it.
At the age of 13, I asked Jesus into my heart, but honestly, I had no idea what that meant. So, I tried to be a "good girl" who didn't drink, smoke, cuss, chew, or do drugs. But, looking back, I can see I did not fully surrender my life to Christ. 
I married my college sweetheart at the tender age of 21. We battled through difficult trials and excruciating hard times, but the unbearable suffering of losing a child to cancer wreaked unsalvageable havoc on our marriage, which unfortunately ended in divorce. 

I spent the next several years making one grueling mistake after another. It started with the desperate need to improve myself. Thinking this would fill the never-ending void. I did an outward overhaul on myself, hoping to gain some much-needed self-esteem, but instead, it led me down very ugly, unforeseen paths. With more divorces under my belt, in a time of deep desperation, I realized the world could never fill the void.

What was it going to take to feel peace and regain self-respect? After yet another devasting event, I finally hit rock bottom. Alone, homeless, penniless, and in extreme debt, I was ready to end it all. In the worst moment of my life, I fell on my knees and cried to God to take me away from all the pain. This was the day I thought I had lost everything, but because of God’s grace and sovereign love, it was the day I gained everything. The wretched life I had been living was finally over, and a new creation was born. I was finally free to be the real me. No more masks or pretending to be something I wasn't. I recommitted and fully surrendered my life to Christ that day, and I have never been the same.

The old was gone; the new had come.

With my new-found strength in Christ, I surrendered to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.

After losing my mom, my best friend, in my most vulnerable moment, the Lord graciously brought my Jr. High School crush back into my life, a wonderful and sincere man of God with whom I felt equally yoked. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this man would be the one the Lord would let be my happily ever after.

Life has never been so full of hope, love, peace, and joy. The void has been replenished with the sovereignty, forgiveness, and love only Jesus can provide. My world and family are complete, and I proudly stand for Christ in everything I do. My story represents God's sovereign love and forgiveness when a life fully surrenders to Him. It is the only way to find peace on earth and eternity with Christ forever.

Won’t you join me as a member of God's squad and become a Cheerleader for God? “He is the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6 We need to rally together and be a voice for Christ. After all, that's what cheerleaders do, rally for a cause. Amen? Amen.

For more information on surrendering your life to Jesus Christ, go to the contact page and message me so we can connect.

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